"Stewardship is and exercize of faith, responsibility, and commitment. As soon as we choose stewardship, we
need a way of confronting doubt, helplessness, and indifference.....Unattended, cynicism will carry the moment. and charisma,
reason and a compelling vision are not enough to get the job done.
Our instinctive response to resistance is to
Cynics express everyone's doubts.....they also speak for us. They put into words the doubts that
we all have. Cynics lack faith and what they seek is a promise.
Power is what victims want. Victims
do not want a change in the governance system, they just want a change in who governs.
The resolution in dealing
with cynics and victims is to reframe their stance as a choice, not as an inevitable outcome of their experience.
1 - Acknowledge the other's position.
2 - State the choice for faith and commitment in the face of our own
3 - Invite the same choice from the other person.
From Stewardship:
Choosing Service Over Self-Interest by Peter Block
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