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Hong Kong & China: Reflections and Plans - Foshan, Guangzhou, Liannan & Zhongshan

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China - Some of my most inspiring, most important, and most meaningful experiences and friends have come from my recent work with schools in Hong Kong, starting in 2005, then in Guangzhou and Foshan, China, then to Zhongshan and now leading further into the interior of China, to Liannan - now 5 trips to Liannan.... 5-6 hours by bus!
Why?  China has a great philosophical history (Confucius, Buddha, Lao Tzu, and more) and is an amazingly innovative culture and an increasingly important factor in our lives, and in the lives of our children and grandchildren..... so many people are exemplars of good character, in the face of incredible challenges, and I want to learn with and from them, learn from China and Hong Kong and influence them, and the US, all the more for the good of all.
Key Question:  Can China be modern without being Western?  from: The Post-American World by Fareed Zakaria p 73

Supporting Inviting Schools - The Inviting 'Classroom' Project

Twenty Schools On The Move Project

The China Monday Morning Webinars (click here)

Webinar Planning & Implementation


Pictures From Hong Kong & China

China Culture & History

Art & History of China

Chinese Imperial Civil Service Examinations

Learn About China - CNKI - China National Knowledge Infrastructure

Chinese Economic Markets

Justice Goes Global by Thomas Friedman

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Hong Kong and the Leadership of Peter Wong, Clio Chen, Stephen Chu, and others

Jingxi Primary School & Leadership of Ms Chen Danling

Guangdong Province and Leadership of Mr Yeung King Fai & Ms Chen Xiaoming


Leadership - Changing Minds

Collaborative Development of Instructional Units

The Myth of China's Super Schools China had all the elements necessary for an industrial revolution at least four hundred years before Great Britain, but keju diverted scholars, geniuses, and thinkers away from the study or exploration of modern science. The examination system, Zhao holds, was designed to reward obedience, conformity, compliance, respect for order, and homogeneous thinking; for this reason, it purposefully supported Confucian orthodoxy and imperial order. It was an efficient means of authoritarian social control. Everyone wanted to succeed on the highly competitive exams, but few did. Success on the keju enforced orthodoxy, not innovation or dissent. As Zhao writes, emperors came and went, but China had no Renaissance, no Enlightenment, no Industrial Revolution. Zhao, born and educated in China, now holds a presidential chair and a professorship at the University of Oregon. He tells us that China has the best education system because it can produce the highest test scores. But, he says, it has the worst education system in the world because those test scores are purchased by sacrificing creativity, divergent thinking, originality, and individualism. The imposition of standardized tests by central authorities, he argues, is a victory for authoritarianism. His book is a timely warning that we should not seek to emulate Shanghai, whose scores reflect a Confucian tradition of rote learning that is thousands of years old. Indeed, the highest-scoring nations on the PISA examinations of fifteen-year-olds are all Asian nations or cities: Shanghai, Hong Kong, Chinese Taipei, Singapore, Korea, Macao (China), and Japan.

Student Work & Reflections from Hong Kong

MFBM Chan Lui Tak Memorial College

Teen Visual Arts Masterpiece III

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Yan Oi Tong

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Travel in China

Reflections on China

My Chinese Lessons

Learning Chinese

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