China - Some of my most inspiring, most important, and most meaningful experiences
and friends have come from my recent work with schools in Hong Kong, starting in 2005, then in Guangzhou and Foshan,
China, then to Zhongshan and now leading further into the interior of China, to Liannan - now 5 trips to Liannan.... 5-6 hours
by bus! Why? China has a great philosophical history (Confucius, Buddha, Lao Tzu, and more)
and is an amazingly innovative culture and an increasingly important factor in our lives, and in the lives of our children
and grandchildren..... so many people are exemplars of good character, in the face of incredible challenges, and I want to
learn with and from them, learn from China and Hong Kong and influence them, and the US, all the more for the good of all. Key
Question: Can China be modern without being Western? from: The Post-American World by
Fareed Zakaria p 73
Supporting Inviting Schools - The Inviting 'Classroom' Project
Twenty Schools On The Move Project
The China Monday Morning Webinars (click here)
Webinar Planning & Implementation

Pictures From Hong Kong & China
