One of the most important 'findings' to me was this description, by Carl Rogers, of how one might improve their relationships
- for themselves and for others, in a reciprocal process of clarity and congruence.
An even earlier 'finding' was the 1959 phrase "...If we become a nation of Bourbons..." See page 59 of the attached (Click
here) - it is highly relevant today - more than 50 years later.
Reflections on spirituality and Religion: Unlike in many other religions, in Buddhism there
is no particular benefit to merely believing in a doctrine. Instead, the emphasis is
on living the doctrine and walking the path.
I love America's promise.....A Country uniquely
forged from ideas and ideals which enoble humans with freedom, justice, liberty and equality. I fear that there is a
structural problem, which permits the very rich to 'hijack' the country, especially if they are also selfish, shortsighted,
simplistic thinkers. Carl Rogers (see 'Findings' to the left, also discusses how creativity can go bad....."To
the extent that the individual is denying to awareness....large areas of his experience, then his creative formings may be
pathological, or socially evil, or both." p352 Does wealth, in the face of severe poverty, deny or avoid
full experience, and become destructively creative? Certainly is seems Bill and Melinda Gates, or Warren Buffet seek
full experience and try to do good. So how does it go wrong? How do we get a congress with 44% millionaires who
often work to protect the wealthy at the expense of so many who have so little?
How many millionaires in Congress?
Reflections on China
Reflections On My Family