Inviting Classroom Project: Students and Faculty Rising To Our Full Human Potential Through
Language, Culture & Moral Development
Lead School:The Yuen Yuen
Institute MFBM Nei Ming Chan Lui Chung Tak Memorial College - Secondary School
Other Schools: To be proposed.....By Yuen Yuen Institute, By Apple.......
Project Goals: Support teachers and their students in reaching further toward their highest academic
and social potential with a focus on English, Writing / Critical & Creative Thinking, and Moral Character and Social-Emotional
Learning. Develop mutually useful collaboration and professional learning communities, including faculty and professional
development organizations, which would continue going forward. Strengthen local professional development capacity. Project
Approaches: The project will operate using Invitational Education as the umbrella, Arts Integration and Arts-Based
Strategies, Character Education / Moral Development, & Social-Emotional Learning Strategies as ends in themselves and
as tools to improve Academic and Social Development.
Implementation Plan:
with volunteer teachers at YYI CLCT and at the US 'sister' site (Aptakisic
School System - near Chicago IL), during the remainder of 2013-2014 and the beginning of 2014-2015. Spread
to other volunteers, based on results, at YYI CLCT, and other Hong Kong and Mainland China Schools during 2014-2015, and implement
a more formal Quasi-Experimental Research Design, involving valid comparison and experimental groups. Consider further
spread after 2014-15, if the data warrant expansion.