Thomas Panter is a highly dedicated, very
effective Middle School Social Studies and English Language Arts Teacher. Over the years he has authored, implemented,
and evaluated a serious number of exemplary instructional units, and is very willing to share the units and their developmental
stages with other teachers.
His assessment results are inspirational, in terms of consistent student
engagement, in terms of authentic performance assessments, and in terms of formal Georgia Assessment results.
Panter has also emerged as a teacher leader, with many visitors to his classroom, and also in terms of providing
opportunities for his students - opportunities to teach other students, and opportunities for moral action.....Click
any Unit Title for a copy of the full unit.
Mr Panter's Classroom Blog
Listing of Mr Panter's Units
Why Study History?
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Geography & Culture of Georgia
Modern Day Civil Rights
The New South: Speak Now Against The Day
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The Great Depression
Make Sure the Cherokees Are Not Removed . . . Again: A Study of Service-Learning and Artful Learning in Teaching History
Alice W. Terry and Thomas Panter Bringing history alive in one Southern, suburban middle school, this application of community-action
service-learning and Artful Learning is chronicled from inception to conclusion. This qualitative participatory action research
study explored the effects of this program on 8th-grade gifted students. The purpose of the study was to examine one specific,
successful program involving gifted students in a Learn and Serve America grant project site in reference to the service-learning
and Artful Learning Models. The results showed improved achievement and suggested enhanced metacognition, self-efficacy, and
altruism. The students were actively involved in their own learning, eventually making a difference in their community. Journal For The Education Of The Gifted > Volume 34 | Issue 1
Fall 2010 Page Number(s): 156-176
The Compelling Results With Students
Low Achieving Students
- Level --- Average Students
Accelerated Students
Comparison Teacher #1
Pretest 28.9 Posttest 28.9 % Gain 0%
Pretest 27.1 Posttest 36.5 % Gain 34%
Pretest 29.4 Posttest 40.1 % Gain 36%
Comparison Teacher #2
Pretest 24.0 Posttest 31.97 % Gain 32%
Pretest 29.1 Posttest 39.5 % Gain 36%
Pretest 34.1 Posttest 47.4 % Gain 39%
PANTER'S Students
Pretest 18.0 Posttest 31.0 % Gain 72%
Pretest 28.2 Posttest 47.1 % Gain 67%
Pretest 31.5 Posttest 51.1 % Gain 62%
Unit Background Resources
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Leo Frank / Mary Phagan Murders - Background
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