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David Brooks - There’s a debate in our culture about what really makes us happy, which is summarized by, on the one hand, the book “On the Road” and, on the other, the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life.” The former celebrates the life of freedom and adventure. The latter celebrates roots and connections. Research over the past thirty years makes it clear that what the inner mind really wants is connection. “It’s a Wonderful Life” was right. Joining a group that meets just once a month produces the same increase in happiness as doubling your income.   David Brooks, in Social Animal

Humanity's First Bill of Rights.....539 BC

"We are all adults here" Really! "Its time we take our freedom back" ('Adults?" "Freedom?"

Did our founders really see 'happiness' as doing for others?

Happiness Hypothesis

The Cat & The Dolphin

Essential Question:  International Relationships - Can you be modern without being Western?

p73   The Post-American World by Fareed Zakaria

Utopian Thinking and Futures Scenarios

Midnight In Paris - the focus is on the question of "Is there a better time than the one in which we live?"

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