Is the budget sufficient to cover the stipends
for 3 - 4 Teacher Leaders / Master Teachers? What has been the best Professional Learning
provided to date? Why?
What are the Professional Development Opportunities
provided by, or planned from IB?
Perhaps 90% Black.....40% Free Reduced Lunch?
IB Adds a Career Certificate
CRCT / Report Card Says the school did not meet AYP...Why?
Strengths in Reading, Writing - Very commendable. The school outperforms Cobb, the State of Georgia, and area
schools, including Teasley. However, that is not a high standard.....
Weaknesses in Math, Social Studies &
Science? Increases possible need for an 'interdisciplinary' approach, to maintain and
grow in Reading, Writing, and Math, but do so in ways that strengthen Social Studies and Science.....Very consistent with
'Trans-Disciplinary Themes in IB
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