Nov 2012 Visit Made notes and reported on classroom observations: Melody Lots
of excellent teaching/learning moments See notes
Anna - Good gesture
from a student to 'act bored' Asked Ss to suggest "Where is Gogo going? Then,
after many answers asked again - "Any different ideas?" and got many, many new , deeper
responses Taught Vivian's class of 50 plus Bill, Randy, Alisa Elisa? Alisa
has been to 9 countries because her father wants her to learn English
Coco, Amy See video of the
class Vocabulary 'Dance' Gestures of Who, What, When Moral Example Human Paragraph
of Famous People Sun Yat-sen Qu Yuen
Deng Xiao Ping - a student correctly
linked quotes to him
Confucius - Urges us to study, said people are more important than things Next
add, military guy, Principal in Sichwan Earthquake
Next Steps: Have invitations issued - to Terry, for Majestic Garden Primary students, teachers,
and Principal, plus Terry and Dan.... to make visits to Terry at the Zhongshan Education Bureau - -
Invite two students who said they want to be teachers - ( Alisa and Bill? Alisa's father)
1 - Before IAIE Conference in Orlando Oct 2013 - Oakhurst, Safety Harbor, and school near
Hampton Inn Pinellas County Schools 2 - After IAIE Conference Oct 2013 - Jackson, McGill,
Hasty & Oak Grove Schools in Cherokee County - also Museum School, Aquarium, High Museum, Fernbank, Coca Cola Museum in
Atlanta. Perhaps they also need an invitation to the IAIE conference? An invitation to present
on Ed Bureau (Terry), Ed Center (Dan) School, teachers, parents, and students to all take responsibility for all students
reaching their highest potential???? Other topic?
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