We want engagement, learning, retention, and application...... This page is about engagement.
Marzano Research
T: Do I have their Attention? S:
How do I Feel?
S: Am I interested?
T: Are they Engaged? S:
Is this important?
S: Can I do this?
From: The Highly Engaged Classroom by Marzano &
Engagement Rubric - Based on Schlechty and Scott
Marzano - How do I feel?
Enthusiasm Interest Enjoyment Satisfaction Pride Vitality Zest
These feelings come from:
Students' Energy
Levels: Do I as a teacher arrange for student movement - movement related to the
standard under consideration?
Teacher's Positive Demeanor
/ (Dispositions?) Do I as a teacher behave in ways consistent with my beliefs? Do I believe that
intelligence is fixed or maluable, and is intelligence one dimensional or multi-dimensional?
Perceptions of Acceptance Do I as a teacher take concrete steps to foster accepting and supportive teacher-student
and peer relationships?
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