Starting with William Purkey and Betty Siegel in the United States, and now reaching into mainland China...and beyond.
"This model (Invitational Leadership) shifts from emphasizing control and dominance to one that focuses
on connectedness, cooperation, and is founded on the principles of respect, trust, optimism, intentionality
and caring."
Purkey and Siegel in Becoming an Invitational Leader.
Invitational Education aims to guide students, and teachers, to their highest human potential
- intellectually, socially, physically, emotionally and morally. It offers a highly useful and powerfully structured
approach to creating a worthy school culture, and is therefore a proven, powerful, transformational initiative.
Imagine improving your relationships with others by doing a better job of modeling your core values.....especially
if your values include respect, trust, optimism, intentionality and caring. Imagine a specific relationship of great
importance to you, improved by your actions demonstrating respect, trust, optimism, intentionality and caring on your part.
Keep imagining, then explore some collaborative creative problem
solving, and make some small innovations aimed at improving the culture you live and work in.....stay with it....keep checking
the vision and the current reality (see Plato and Aristotle in the Raphael painting) and keep adjusting.
might be creating the future you prefer!