Jaime Escalante - Finger Math
Arts-Based Strategies:
Instructional Strategies and Formative Assessment Strategies. When they are blended their power is multiplied!
The Instructional Power of Specific, Kind, and Process-Focused student feedback to other students
256 Formative Assessment Strategies, including some very useful Arts-based Strategies: Create Something, Extension, Doodle
It, *Text Rendering, Exit 3-2-1, Back Channel, Photos to Assess Learning, *Create a Video, *Teach Younger Kids, Answer the
EQ, Make Predictions, *Self-Assessment
Many, many, Theater or Drama-Based Strategies
60 Formative Assessment Strategies...Many are Arts-Based.
Storytelling: Why it might be a key Arts-Based Strategy
Please see: The Moral of the Story: Folktales for Character Development, by Bobby & Sherry
Norfolk The Storytelling Classroom, by Sherry Norfolk, Jane Stenson and Diane Williams Literacy Development in the Storytelling Classroom, by Sherry Norfolk, Jane Stenson and Diane
Williams, editors.
The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled. Plutarch .
Why does this happen? Do we tell ourselves 'stories' as a way to remember?
than the centerpiece of prosecution, witness testimony should be viewed more like trace evidence, scientists say, with the
same fragility and vulnerability to contamination. Why is a witness’s account so often unreliable?
Partly because the brain does not have a knack for retaining many specifics and is highly susceptible to suggestion. “Memory
is weak in eyewitness situations because it’s overloaded,” said Barbara Tversky, a psychology professor at Columbia University’s Teachers College in New York. “An event happens so fast, and when the police
question you, you probably weren’t concentrating on the details they’re asking about.”
Hundreds of studies have cataloged a long list of circumstances that can affect how memories are recorded and replayed, including
the emotion at the time of the event, the social pressures that taint its reconstruction, even flourishes unknowingly added
after the fact. While most of us tend to think memory works like a video recorder, it is actually more like
a grainy slide show. Lost details, including imaginary ones, often are added later. One of the earliest and more famous
experiments to demonstrate that memories are malleable was conducted by Elizabeth Loftus, a psychology professor at the University
of California, Irvine, and an early pioneer of witness memory research. In a 1974 study published in The
Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, she asked participants to view films of fender-benders in which no car windows
or headlights were broken. Later, the subjects who were asked how fast the cars were going when they “smashed”
into each other — as opposed to “hit” — were more likely to report speeding and describe shattered glass they never actually saw. November 28, 2011 The Certainty of Memory Has Its Day in Court By LAURA BEIL NY Times
The Certainty of Memory has its Day in Court by Laura Beil - NY Times