Sept 26, 2014 Met with Shaun, Ardis, Megin
Roebuck, with Principal Les Connolly. Next steps for now: Shawn will go ahead and conceptualize and then share her diagram of addressing 'perspective'
and 'critical thinking' in BOTH units. Ardis will review the initial
listing of 'strategies' and select and pilot a few as she moves into 'literal and figurative language' in
the next few weeks. Megin will continue with 'color' and start planning
for the close work with primary color dots and pointillism. I will update and
send URLs for my webpages, especially one for Oak Grove School - giving some suggested 'strategies' for Ardis to consider
as she prepares for teaching literal and figurative language - including using aphorisms and quotes from the famous people
she is to teach from the 4th grade standards.... We will link with students
and teachers doing similar projects in Hong Kong and Mainland China....
Sept. 23, 2014 Explored possible
Kindergarten (Shaun Sudberry) Grade 4 (Ardis Lussier) Peer teaching project focusing on two units, both involving arts integration....(Megin
Both units will make use of the Marzano 9 & 41, modified into arts-based strategies, illustrating
'making thinking visible'involving
Similar to planned Hong Kong Mainland China projects at Creative
Primary School (Hong Kong), Majestic Garden Primary and Kindergarten Schools (Zhongshan), and CPE-Club (Chungdu)
Unit 1 - Pointillism
/ perspective Research Question: Can 4th graders create a pointillism paintings of themselves and
their shadows using appropriate proportions of primary colors to make actual, non-primary colors, and then teach and assist
Kindergarten students to do the same? K- students talked about career plans and current sports when asked about good
advice they had heard.
Unit 2 - Famous Sayings / critical thinking Research
Question: Can 4th graders learn and demonstrate understanding of literal and metaphorical meaning of famous sayings
through writing, drawing, skits, and then make movies to teach and assist Kindergarten students to do the same? Ardis
- pilot the human paragraph? Consider the Marzano 9?
Feb 25, 2013 Suggested they explicitly teach the Georgia writing rubric to 4th graders and
then pair them with 1st graders to apply the rubric, as part of Academic Service Learning. Addressed
the Human Paragraph and the Vocabulary Dance And, did FLOW Diagram (Chalenge and Skills) with K
- illustrated how The Human Paragraph allows one to control challenge and skill levels DURING instruction.....not only while
drafting a unit design.....
Academic Coach can follow up....? Will
work with Shaun to consider the writing samples and video performances of Audra Knight / Poe.... A
large % of teachers were very far ahead on the need to link the power of the arts immediatey to rigorous academic standards
and to use the arts for more general activation only sparingly.
Key Resources
Strategies: We will be strengthening Arts-Based
Strategies by combining them with the 9 key Marzano strategies, at
(these explain the items in the chart that Ardis copied)
Human Paragraph I am a Bee Tableaux
Any from ArtsNow Curriculum Guides Any from 'Artful Thinking' at
Any from 'Visible Thinking' at
More resources for the Oak Grove Advanced Arts Integration Project
Visible Thinking (Zero, Richhart, Hattie), Critical Thinking
(Paul-Elder), Marzano (9/41), TKES (research-based instruction), Georgia Curriculum Standards for Famous People..(George Washington,
King George, Thomas Jefferson, Benedict Arnold, Patrick Henry, James Madison, John Adams....others?), Character Development
(Respect, Responsibility, Empathy, Caring, Growth Mindset)
4th Grade SS Standards
Kindergarten Social Studies Standards - Information Processing....similarities and differences, chronological order, problems
and alternate solutions....
Kindergarten English Language Arts
4th Grade English Language Arts
Fine Arts Standards
Georgia Visual Arts Standards - creates artwork emphasizing one or more elements of art, mixes colors to make new colors...
Pointillism and Primary Colors
Essential Question - "Do I actually have to mix blue and yellow together to get green, or could I just place them side by
About Mrs. Roebuck....."That is why I teach art. Art is a universal language. It helps break up cultural barriers. Most of
what we know of past human experiences is due to art. Every aspect of the world affects other parts of the earth. Art demonstrates
this because not one thing in art can stand alone. All the principles & elements of design must work together to unify the
piece as a whole. This portrays that one cannot stand alone & still be an intergral part of society. I believe that art can
prepare a child to become a well-rounded member of society. Artists are the world's thinkers & innovators. If we do not enrich
our youth with art who will be our future idealists? The mind only works when it is open. When you learn to express yourself
you become more open to the world around you"