Invitational Education At-A-Glance
IE 'At-A-Glance' Working Richard Benjamin
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From Allyson:
Dear Sally and Sue, I’m asking for your support
to organize a 1 to 2 day IAIE Toolkit writing retreat on Saturday and Sunday
after the World Conference in Florida. Daniel
Shaw and I developed a vision over the last 2 years and have gathered loads of resources for it. (see vision
attached.) What we haven’t had is enough TIME to pull it together. To get moving again, I’d
like to invite a few volunteer writers who have taught Invitational Theory and Practices in the past (workshops or college
courses), to work after the conference ends on Saturday, through Sunday
afternoon. We would reach consensus on the vision and organizational structure of the Toolkit.
Then we would divide the work among 4 to 6 people and work independently for a few months. One
or at most two of us could edit the writing of the various people to make the narrative speak in one ‘voice.’ I envision
a Toolkit that contains a series of modules or units, each teaching a major concept of ITP.
Each module would include info about a concept delivered in multiple formats for a variety of learning and presentation styles:
narrative, power point, video interviews, a presenter’s script, bullet points for handouts, graphic organizers, blank
journals, published articles, photographs, etc. Presenters would then choose the best options for their training
events based on the audience and available time. Certain minimum content could be required for participants to
be certified as having completed ITP training. Who should be on the team? I’d first ask Barb Hansen and Joan Fretz
who have both taught ITP. Jenny Edwards
and Richard Benjamin might also want to play ball. One or both of you may want to join the group to oversee the direction
we take. Dan and I are committed to the project if it’s a go that weekend, but he is less able to commit
time afterwards as a writer for the ToolKit. Betty, William, John and the two of you will be needed as the process
moves forward especially to produce video segments and to determine how the Toolkit is published. We MIGHT
be able to hold this ‘retreat’ without funding from IAIE. A few of us with hotel rooms paid
by our employers could share rooms with others who are staying on their own dime. If IAIE wanted to donate
a meal stipend, that would be appreciated, but we can always toast marshmallows over the heated towel racks if necessary J Let me know what you think of
this idea. Daniel and I talked about it by phone today. We will go forward with it given
your approval. Invitingly yours, Allyson Schoenlein Director of Title
Programs Cabell County Schools 304.528.5005
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Allyson: Units Modules Concepts Essential
Allyson’s Vision for the ITP Toolkit ·
Divide Toolkit into “units” covering each
major concept. (Ex. the Foundations, Basic Assumptions, Elements, Levels, Application Processes, Domains,
Choices, Styles, Outcomes, Conflict Resolution? etc.) These could be arranged as a single book, separate
folders, spiral notebooks, boxes, etc. ·
Each “unit” would include info about a concept.
That info would be delivered in multiple formats for a variety of learning and presenting styles: narrative,
power point, video interviews, a presenter’s script, bullet points for handouts, graphic organizers, blank journals,
published articles, photographs, etc. The materials become choices for the presenter and audience,
rather than implying it is required to complete EVERY component. ·
Each “unit” would include A. an essential
question (ex. What is the foundation of Invitational Theory and Practice?), B. activating strategies
(often called anticipatory set, launch activities, links to prior knowledge or hooks including games, humor, predictions,
music, etc.) C. teaching strategies (ex. jigsaw, quick writes, note-taking tools like cloze sentences, the
5P Relay, etc.) and D. summarizing strategies which answer the essential question (journaling, inner/outer
circles, gallery walk, 3-2-1, Ticket out the door, The Most Important Thing, etc.) · The first “unit” of the kit is an introduction…filled with activating strategies
for the entire body of information. It would share the history and the rationale behind ITP.
It COULD include the Foundations and Assumptions, but I’d recommend each of those be treated as separate “units.”
· The last “unit” of the kit is for closure and an overview of ITP.
It would provide a variety of closure options based on the audience’s purpose and needs. (Ex.
Reflective questioning duo’s, kinesthetic presentations such as presentation of skits, art, or a song to summarize ITP,
an exam, research papers, journal articles, action-based research, etc.) ·
Also included at the back of the kit would be a set
of resources (Glossary, ISSR-E Survey, Current Bylaws, Membership Application, CD/DVD, Bibliography, websites, etc.)
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