School Transformation builds on the work of School Improvement and School Reform Models and adds the dimension of shared
vision and shared moral values. It depends on transformational leadership by students, teachers and administrators,
leadership based on shared moral values for its authority, not on positional authority. It is not transactional leadership.
transformation aims at education and system change - the development of a culture of high quality human relationships and
continuous improvement. It aims beyond schooling.
Character Education projects almost always are school transformation projects because of the nature of the initiatives.
Willow Run (MI) Community Schools:
Courses, Prompts & Modules:
Transformational Leadership Guide
Leadership Rubric

This month's featured teacher is Mindy Cohen. Mindy has taught at our school for over twenty years. While she enjoys teaching
all ages of students, she is currently the teacher of our fourth graders. Mindy is married with two children of her own.