Lao Tzu Quotes: 1 The best of all leaders is the one who helps people so that eventually
they don’t need him. 2 Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power. 3 To see things in the seed, that is genius. 4 When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. 5 Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small.
A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
He drew a circle that shut me out-- Heretic, rebel,
a thing to flout. But Love and I had the wit to win: We drew a circle
that took him in We have committed the Golden Rule to memory; let us now commit it to life.
all are blind until we see That in the human plan Nothing is worth
the making if It does not make the man. Why build these cities glorious If man unbuilded goes? In vain we build the world, unless The builder
also grows.
| Man With The Hoe Bowed
by the weight of centuries he leans Upon his hoe and gazes on the ground, The emptiness
of ages in his face, And on his back the burden of the world. Who made him dead to rapture
and despair, A thing that grieves not and that never hopes, Stolid
and stunned, a brother to the ox? Who loosened and let down this brutal
jaw? Whose was the hand that slanted back this brow? Whose breath blew out the light within this brain? Edwin Markham